2017 California Science Education Conference:
The following were sessions at the 2017 California Science Education Conference (Sacramento, CA) led by K-12 Alliance directors, project directors, core leadership team members and/or teacher leaders of K-12 Alliance’s CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative. Many of these presenters uploaded session materials to the conference website, can navigate to find them via this link:
Short Courses:
- SC1: Lesson Learned: The Cutting Edge of NGSS Implementation (Kathy DiRanna, Statewide Director, K-12 Alliance and David Tupper, CalMSP Project Director/TOSA, LUSD)
- SC12: Make Every Minute Count: A Winning Solution to Integrating Life Science 3D NGSS and Literacy CCSS/ELA in K-2 Classrooms (Dana Nielsen, Teacher, Doyle Elementary SDUSD and Debbie Gordon, Elementary STEM TOSA, PSUSD.
- Solving Human Problems by Mimicking Natural Solutions (Lesley Gates, District Science Coach, KCUSD)
- Playground Forces: A 3rd Grade Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Craig Groschup, Teacher, Grapevine Elementary, VUSD and Lorena Sanchez, Teacher, South West Park Elementary, TUSD)
- Teaching Inquiry Science Through Models (Ali Gubary, Science Teacher Vanguard College Preparatory Academy, and Susheela Nath, Project Director for the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation at Aspire Public Schools)
- Properties of Matter: 5E Learning Sequence on Density (Sylvia Brown, Science Teacher, Vista Innovation & Design Academy, VUSD)
- What Makes Things Move? A Kindergarten Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Karal Blankenship, Teacher, Franklin Elementary, SDUSD and Priscilla Barcellos, Teacher, LUSD)
- Using Online Simulations to Support NGSS in Middle School Classrooms (Lesley Gates, District Science Coach, KUSD)
- K-2 NGSS and Literacy Connections (Michelle Armenta, Teacher, Vista Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, VUSD and Susan Ritchie, Consultant, K-12 Alliance/WestEd)
- Chain Reactions, Energy on the Move: A 4th Grade Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Alyssa Nemeckova, Teacher Vista del Monte Elementary, PSUSD and Chelsea Cochrane, Science Coordinator, SDCOE)
- From Inquiry to NGSS 3D - Updating Your File Cabinet (Crystal Howe, TK-12 Science/Math Resource Teacher, SDUSD and Rachel Poland, Science Teacher, Innovation Middle School, SDUSD)
- From Phenomena to Lesson Sequence (Maralee Thorburn, Science Teacher, Art Freiler School, TUSD, and Sue Edwards, Science Teacher TUSD)
- Matter: A 2nd Grade Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Monica Aguirre, Teacher, Lake Elementary, VUSD and Katherine Altmann, Teacher, SDUSD)
- A Cool Phenomena: Using 3-Dimensions to Understand Heat Transfer (Claudio Vargas, Coordinator, Elementary Science, OUSD and Diana Velez, Learning and Leadership Facilitator, Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley)
- K-2 3D Science + Engineering Early Implementers: Biomimicry Through Helmet (Jenny Chien, STEM Specialist, Casita Center, VUSD and Michelle Armenta, Teacher Vista Academy for Visual and Performing Arts, VUSD)
- Principles of Effective Advocacy to Build Community Support for NGSS (Michael Gilligan, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Achieve and Jill Grace, Regional Director, K-12 Alliance/WestEd)
- Sound: A 1st Grade Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Nicole Hawke, Westside Elementary School, CVUSD and Crystal Howe, TK-12 Science/Math Resource Teacher, SDUSD)
- Biological and Geological Changes in Earth's History (Deanna Mino, Science Teacher, McCaffrey Middle School, GJUESD and Lisa Hegdahl, Science Teacher McCaffrey Middle School, GJUESD)
- Where Do Trees Get All That Mass? A 7th Grade Integrated Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Matthew Kreps, Science Teacher, Toro Canyon Middle School, CVUSD and Brenda Mueller, Science Teacher, SDUSD)
- Making Science Phenomenal! NGSS Early Implementers (Jeff Schmitz, NGSS Resource Teacher, VUSD)
- Data Analysis, Rain Shadow, and Earth's Spheres (Barbara Woods, NGSS Project Director and Curriculum Coach, GJUSD)
- Badwater 135: A 6th Grade Integrated Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (David Tupper, CaMSP Project Director/TOSA, LUSD and Rachael Tarshes, Project Director and K-8 Resource Teacher, SDUSD)
- 3D NGSS Lesson: Energy Transfer Through Collisions (Diane Deem, Teacher, Temple Heights Elementary, VUSD and Jenny Chien, STEM Specialist, Casita Center, VUSD)
- Systems in NGSS - It's All Connected! (Peter A'Hearn K-12, Consultant, K-12 Alliance/WestEd and Philip Hudec, Science TOSA, PSUSD)
- Understanding White Sharks: An 8th Grade Integrated Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Chris Olivas, Math and Science Teacher, High Tech High Middle North County and Katie Beck, Physics and Chemistry Teacher, Bolsa Grande High School, GGUSD)
- 3D 5E Learning Sequence: Stream Tables (Monica Aguirre, Teacher, Lake Elementary, VUSD and Jo Topps Regional Director, K-12 Alliance/West Ed)
- What's in Our Water? A 5th Grade Learning Sequence from the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (Karen Weir-Brown, Fallon Middle School, DUSD and Kimberly Trench, Teacher, Dingeman Elementary, SDUSD)
- Collaborating with Community Partners to Design Phenomenon-Based Units (Jill Mayorga, 6-12 STEAM Content Specialist, LA Region Aspire Public Schools and Stephanie Whyte Programs Manager, The 5 Gyres Institute)