
Anchoring Phenomenon

Numerous reports suggest an increase in white shark encounters* in the United States in recent years and the public is worried.
*Encounters include sightings and census estimates, as well as physical interactions between humans and sharks.

Lesson Concept

Develop an argument based on evidence from text and investigations about the cause and effect of magnetic fields produced from the electrical currents from REMUS on white sharks.

Investigative Phenomenon

White sharks can detect REMUS.


Click here for NGSS, CCSS (ELA and Math), and California ELD standards.

Time | Materials | Advance Preparation


220 minutes

Part I10 minutesEngage
Part II120 minutesExplore
Part III90 minutesExplain


Whole Class

Per Group of 4



Advance Preparation

  1. Preview the video How Do Sharks and Rays Use Electricity to Find Hidden Prey? Deep Look. (Step 3 of Procedure)
  2. Make one copy of each of the following articles for each group: 8.5.G1: Snout Goo May Help Sharks Sense Prey, 8.5.G2: Scientists Repel Sharks–to Save Them, 8.5.G3: A Shark’s Sixth Sense, and 8.5.G4: A Biological Function for Electroreception in Sharks and Rays. (Step 4 of Procedure)
  3. Duplicate 8.5.H1: Motor Apparatus and gather materials to make a simple motor. (Step 9 of Procedure)
  4. Duplicate 8.5.G5: Take a Position (one for each group) and place in a sheet protector to use with multiple classes, if desired. (Step 10 of Procedure)
  5. Duplicate 8.5.H2: Observation Checklist for each student. (Step 13 of Procedure)

Part I

Engage (10 minutes)

Construct an initial explanation for how the white shark detects electric or magnetic fields, causing the shark to sense REMUS.


    It is acknowledged that in this lesson, we are actually looking at how the evidence is NOT adequate to afford students the opportunity to question what other information they will need to go further in their understanding.

  1. Start the lesson by revisiting student questions generated at the end of Lesson 8.4: REMUS. Draw attention to any question students had about the shark being attracted to or bothered by REMUS as a way to help students make sense of the investigative phenomenon.

    Examples of student questions from Lesson 8.4:

    • How does REMUS use sound waves to communicate with the transponder?
    • Does the shark use its electro-reception to sense the navigation and communication systems of REMUS?
    • What senses is the shark using to home in on REMUS?
  2. Inform the class that, for now, we will consider those questions around the shark sensing REMUS. (Other questions may be explored in later lessons.) Ask students to then recall from Lesson 8.4: REMUS the different types of senses that sharks have. Ask students to discuss the following as a group and record ideas in their Science Notebook and consider what might influence how a shark senses REMUS.

    Ask students, “What would we need to consider in order to determine if a shark can sense REMUS? What questions do we need to answer in order to get the information we need?” Encourage groups to use 8.1.H4: Crosscutting Concepts for Middle School Students (from Lesson 8.1: Shark Encounters), and to help generate questions informed by the On-Target column for Cause and Effect.

    If groups are struggling, ask the following questions to help redirect their thinking:

    • Which sense do you think might be the most sensitive (useful to sharks underwater)?
    • Which sense do you think white sharks use the most?
    • Predict which sense you think is the primary cause of a white shark to be attracted to or bothered by REMUS.

    There are two plausible factors at play–one is that the white shark is sensing the presence of REMUS, and the other is the predatory/territorial behavior of the white shark. We will focus this lesson and line of questioning on the sensory behavior of the white shark.

  4. At this stage, students have some information on shark senses and most probably think that the sharks’ electroreception is what attracts the shark to REMUS, but some are unsure. A brief discussion with the class about this should lead to the conclusion that they need more evidence to address this. Ask probing questions to move thinking until students are in agreement that they need more evidence to address this.
    1. To help students get more evidence and insight into how shark electroreception works, show the students the PBS Digital Studios video, How Do Sharks and Rays Use Electricity to Find Hidden Prey? Deep Look, which focuses on the shark’s ability to sense using the ampullae of Lorenzini (electroreception). Ask students to record any information in their Science Notebook that helps them better understand how a shark (which is closely related to a ray) can locate something using electricity.
    2. Following the video, take the opportunity to ask students to reference 8.1.H4: Crosscutting Concepts for Middle School Students. Take a few minutes to model use of the Structure and Function concept with information from the video as inspiration, using a similar discussion pattern as was done previously for Patterns in Lesson 8.1: Shark Encounters, Step 7.b. (Consider what the structure of the ampullae of Lorenzini lend to a particular function.)
    3. After practicing with Structure and Function, revisit the student question (or version thereof), “How does a white shark sense REMUS?” Ask students to construct a tentative explanation in their Science Notebook. (Let students know they will be adding to this over time.) Their explanation should include the following:
      • Use an On-Target question from Cause and Effect to frame the explanation.
      • Consider whether the evidence is adequate for the explanation (do a check for relevancy and sufficiency) and identify a way to address any additional information that may be needed.
      • Guide students who need support to create a graphic organizer for themselves, identifying evidence they have first, then generating a claim followed by reasoning–which can include discussion of needed information.


    The introduction to this lesson is intended to play off of the student realization in Lesson 8.4: REMUS that REMUS has electrical components, which a shark may be attracted to. Later in this lesson, students will also discover that those electrical components can generate magnetic fields (a non-contact force, which specifically targets the DCI for this grade). Students previously explored the idea of a noncontact force (gravity) in 5th grade (PS2.B), but didn’t call it a field yet. At this stage in the lesson, students are ready to apply the idea that magnetic non-contact forces act in a field. To help students with this transition of words, you can do a simple demonstration with a bar magnet (protected by plastic) and iron filings.

    Students can easily see the filings interact with the magnet, visualize a “field” around the magnet, and see that the field force weakens as the magnet gets farther from the filings.

    The context of REMUS provides students the opportunity to ask their own questions and work like a scientist to answer them, although many scientists don’t think sharks are as attracted to magnetic fields as they are electric fields (and bear in mind, there is still a lot of uncertainty around this). To foster student sensemaking and opportunity to critically analyze evidence, we do allow students to go down a “blind” alley, thinking the magnetic components may attract sharks.

Part II

Explore 1 (120 minutes; three class periods)

Carry out an investigation to determine the effect of electrical currents to produce magnetic fields.

Part II A

  1. As students identify areas where additional information may be needed in order to have a strong explanation, let them know you have readings that may be useful. Point out also that the Ocean Portal website they used in Lesson 8.4: REMUS referred to electric fields as well as magnetic fields, so you have found some articles that will discuss both. Arrange students into groups of 4 and give each student in the group one of the following articles: 8.5.G1: Snout Goo May Help Sharks Sense Prey, 8.5.G2: Scientists Repel Sharks–to Save Them, 8.5.G3: A Shark’s Sixth Sense, and 8.5.G4: A Biological Function for Electroreception in Sharks and Rays.

    Write the following codes on the board for the students to use as they read their article. Have them underline and code the following:

    • “SA”:
    • Shark Anatomy–basic information about the structure/function of a shark
    • “EE”:
    • Electrical Evidence–evidence that supports an understanding of how sharks are influenced by electric fields
    • “ME”:
    • Magnetic Evidence–evidence that supports an understanding of how sharks are influenced by magnetic fields

    Differentiation: At your discretion, put students into expert groups if they need peer support while working through the readings. Make sure that students needing language support are focusing on the content of the article rather than words that are unclear. Ask students to skim their article and highlight any words whose meaning is uncertain. Before students read the articles, offer to have students look up the meaning of highlighted words and/or as a whole class go over words that might cause some confusion or prevent them from moving forward with the reading.

  2. When students have completed their reading, arrange students into expert groups with others that read the same article. Record the following on the board for students to see:

    • Sharks are influenced by electric fields.
    • Sharks are influenced by magnetic fields.
    • Sharks are influenced by BOTH magnetic and electric fields.
    1. Ask students, in their expert groups, to compare their coding and discuss which claim they think their evidence supports best and why. Encourage students to record this discussion (especially evidence identified) in their Science Notebook.
    2. Students return to their home group and share their expert findings with their group. (Each student should have read a different article.)
      • Direct students to share what they found. Emphasize that everyone will have a chance to share before anyone can discuss or ask questions about how their evidence supports the claim they picked. During sharing, encourage students to record a couple of “big ideas” from each report.
      • After groups have shared, have a brief class discussion asking students to recall what is required for something to be considered quality evidence and a quality source.
      • Then invite groups to hold a discussion on the reading. Direct students to ask questions about the evidence of others, making sure to ask them about the source of the material. What makes for quality evidence? Why would one claim be preferred over another? Encourage students to add anything they feel is important from the discussion to their Science Notebook.
      • Ask groups to then come to consensus on which claim their evidence best supports (which one best addresses the question). If there are students who need help, guide groups to recall that that their conversation needs to consider both the quality of the evidence that was gathered and discussed, as well as which claim (sharks are influenced by electric fields, or sharks are influenced by magnetic fields) had the fewest counters to said evidence (rebuttal). Students can make additional notes in their Science Notebook about which claim they are supporting and any subsequent evidence.

      During discussions, encourage students to use discussion norms such as wait time, encouraging others to say more, asking for evidence, paraphrasing or repeating, adding on, etc.


    The articles (8.5.G1–8.5.G4) were intentionally chosen from a wide range of sources, from a transcribed radio interview to an academic article. The reading levels of the articles range from 6th grade through high school. It may be best to arrange that students receive articles that are most appropriate for their reading levels. In case differentiation by reading level is needed for students, they are arranged in increasing complexity of reading level (e.g., 8.5.G1: Snout Goo May Help Sharks Sense Prey is the easiest and 8.5.G4: A Biological Function for Electroreception in Sharks and Rays is the most difficult).

Part II B

  1. Ask students to discuss which part of REMUS they think contributes the most to the white shark being able to sense it in the water. If students do not remember the parts of REMUS ask them to refer back to their Science Notebook notes on REMUS (taken in Lesson 8.4: REMUS, Part 7.b); they can also visit http://www.whoi.edu/osl/sharkcam again if needed.
    • Have students make a list in their Science Notebook of the parts of REMUS in the order that they think a white shark can sense them. (A rough model can replace a list depending on student preference or need as a way to differentiate.) Have students record/identify what sense they think the white shark is using to detect the respective parts they identified, and have the students pay particular attention to electroreception. If students do not automatically do this, encourage them to think about internal components as well as external; for example, if students identify the propeller, ask what makes the propeller work (internal motor).
    • Ask a few students to share their lists/models with the class. Be sure to choose one student that identified a motor.

      The next part of this sequence will focus on building a simple motor for better understanding of the scientific properties that govern the function of a motor and to establish the connection between electricity and magnetism. For your reference, the actual motor used within REMUS is extremely complex, but we are keeping it simple to build student understanding of magnetic fields in context.

  2. Establish that students are going to focus on just one of the aspects of REMUS they identified, the motor, and how it uses electricity (and, as students will soon discover, magnetism).
    1. To first establish the connection between electricity and magnetism and to introduce the idea that an electric current creates a magnetic field, have students work in groups to create an electric current by connecting the ends of a long straight wire to each end of a D cell (or 9-volt) battery and lay the wire flat on the table. This creates a magnetic field. If a student in the room already knows how to do this, allow this student to introduce the idea. If possible, have these materials for each group so each may build the circuit. Be sure to demonstrate this at the front of the room as well.
    2. Image by WestEd [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0]
    3. Invite a student from each group to bring a compass up to the wire in several locations. Students can also do this at their tables if materials are available, but focus the conversation from the front of the room. Ask students to record observations in their Science Notebook. If possible, recreate the set-up under a document cam so there is opportunity for group discussions when manipulating the set-up. Encourage students to try out several things. (Make sure that students are bringing the compass to both sides of the wire and different distances from the wire.) Students should observe the following phenomena:
      • The needle of the compass will spin when brought close to the wire.
      • The needle of the compass will spin in different directions depending on which end of the wire it is near.
      • The rate of spin of the compass needle will change depending on how far it is located from the wire.
    4. Put the compass away and ask another student to bring a small magnet close to the wire. Students can also do this at their tables if materials are available, but focus the conversation from the front of the room. Ask students to make additional observations of the interaction between the wire and the magnet.

      If students are struggling, the following questions can help to guide students to build understanding of and explain the phenomenon:

      • What is the effect of holding a magnet near the wire?
      • Are the wire and magnet attracting or repelling?
      • Is there a way to change the interaction (from repel to attract or vice versa)?
      • Does the distance between the magnet and the wire change the strength of the attraction/repulsion?

      (For teacher reference, when an electric current travels through a conductor, in this case a wire, a weak magnetic field is produced by that current. The magnetic field produced will deflect the compass needle. The arrow of the compass will point in the direction of the magnetic field.)


      Image by Christopher Auyeung via CK-12
      Foundation [CC BY-NC 3.0]

      If there is a way to allow the wire to be perpendicular to a surface where the compasses are located, students can observe that the needle of each compass actually points to the compass next to it in a circle around the wire. While it is only necessary for students to understand that an electrical current produces a magnetic field, it is a nice “next step” for students to see that there is a pattern to the magnetic field that is produced. If the strength of the current is not enough to produce visible changes of the compass direction, this can be addressed by using a 9-volt battery instead of a D cell battery. Additionally, students could make an electromagnet, which will produce a stronger magnetic field. In either case, some safety precautions should be taken if a stronger battery or electromagnet is used, as they heat up quickly. Students can use erasers as an “insulator” between their fingers and circuit components to avoid feeling heat.

  3. Following these observations, let students know they will now be designing their own investigation to help answer some of their questions. Have a discussion with students about what constitutes a fair test and variables (as this should be prior knowledge). If students struggle, you can prompt them with one or more of the following questions or statements:
    • If we want to know if something has had an effect, what would be a fair test?
    • Why should we test only one thing at a time?
    • Are there aspects of a test that don’t change? Why is it important to have those?
    • When students begin describing the parts of the investigation that “we” manipulate, confirm that these are called independent variables.
    • When students describe things that change because of that manipulation, confirm. that these are called dependent variables.
    • When students describe something we would keep constant, confirm that this is a control.
  4. Distribute 8.5.H1: Motor Apparatus and materials to students. Ask students for their ideas about motors–why we need them, why we test them, and how testing motors can help us explain why the white shark attacked REMUS.
    1. Ask student groups to come up with four different variables to test for the motor apparatus. Here are some of the variables that students might elect to test:
      • Number of turns
      • Diameter of the turns
      • Strength of the magnets
      • Distance the magnet is away from the coiled wire
      • Gauge of the wire
      • Strength of the battery (This might require changing the apparatus to accommodate the new battery)

      The following variables would be more suited to highly motivated students as they are either not as directly observable or require a more sophisticated understanding of the variable as to how it is effecting change; diameter of the turns and gauge of the wire.

    3. Once students have established what they would like to test and begun planning their investigation, ask them to record the following in their Science Notebook. Consider allowing students who need literacy support to work in pairs; later you can make a copy of the work completed for the other student to add to their Science Notebook.
      • What question of theirs are they testing? (This doesn’t necessarily need to be a formal research question; it may simply be a question that emerged in the discussion above that the group would like to test.)
      • Explain their test; give a brief description of what they will do.
      • List variable(s) (independent and dependent) and control(s).
      • Specify the type of data they will measure and how.
      • Make a prediction of what they think will happen (with rationale).
      • Record observations. (How will they record observations/data?)

      Students can collaboratively discuss, but each should maintain their own record of the plan in their Science Notebook, in addition, students are realistically doing several tests; this is intended to be a “rough” plan in their Science Notebook to track what they are doing and what they observe.

      Encourage highly motivated students to develop even more tests.

    4. Once groups have recorded their plan, allow access to materials to begin testing their plan. Instruct students to record their findings in their Science Notebook.
    5. After groups have done their investigations and had time to make meaning in their Science Notebook (via small models and/or notes), have a class conversation about how the two magnetic fields were interacting. Depending on the types of investigations that students conducted, some of the questions generated might sound like the following:
      • Were the magnetic fields attracting or repelling? What is your evidence?
      • What caused the motor to spin slower/faster?
      • How do you think this compares to the motor in REMUS?
    6. Ask students to record any aha moments about magnetic fields in their Science Notebook and what phenomena they could predict using the cause and effect relationship they just discovered. Inform students that this will be used for sticky note feedback (as described in Lesson 8.2: Fossil Evidences).

Part III

Explain (90 minutes; two class periods)

Communicate an argument while citing evidence of the cause and effect that magnetic fields produced by the electrical currents from REMUS have on white sharks.

  1. Distribute a copy of 8.5.G5: Take a Position to each table to help students make sense of the phenomena. Ask students to read the thoughts of the four students in the handout and to think about which student’s thoughts they are most aligned with.
    1. Ask students to share with their group which thoughts on the handout they are most aligned with. As students discuss, have them question each other about the following:
      • What evidence do you have to support that claim?
      • What would be a rebuttal to that claim (what could refute it)?
      • What evidence do you have that supports a refute to the claim?
      • What other evidence or experiences from your lab exploration would make your claim stronger?
      • What On-Target component of Patterns or Cause and Effect, found in 8.1.H4: Crosscutting Concepts for Middle School Students (from Lesson 8.1: Shark Encounters), helps strengthen the argument?
  2. Ask students to review their original claim in their Science Notebook (from Step 3) and their claim about what is actually sensed (from Step 5) and consider all information to generate a full explanation to address the question: How does a white shark sense REMUS? Ask students to incorporate at least On-Target components of Pattern or Cause and Effect as a central frame to their argument. (At this stage, encourage paragraph form. Remind students of components of an explanation and/or use a scaffold for students who need to pre-organize their work.)

    An answer to your question
    Examples of data that support the claim (observations, numerical data, information from reading, and model outputs)
    Description of how or why the evidence supports the claim using scientific ideas (This is an efficient place to incorporate Pattern or Cause and Effect.)

    Consider allowing students who need literacy support to work in pairs on an explanation; later you can make a copy of the work completed for the other student to add to their Science Notebook. Alternatively, allow students to do this work in their native language.

  3. Students should reflect (share explanations as a group) and ready their notes to prepare for a Science Seminar on the following day.
  4. Hold a Science Seminar to evaluate revised claims that connect understanding of magnetic fields to what students previously learned about REMUS (informed by their explanations created in Step 11 as well as discussions in Steps 5–6) and to think about what the causes are for the white shark to act in the way that it does towards REMUS:
    • Sharks are influenced by electric fields generated by REMUS
    • Sharks are influenced by magnetic fields generated by REMUS
    1. Divide students into two groups, an inner and outer circle. The inner circle will be the first group to discuss; the outer will be the second group to discuss.
    2. Students who are seated in the inner circle participate in the discussion:
      • One student poses the question “Does the white shark sense REMUS, and if so what is the cause?”
      • The student seated to this person’s right, states their claim, evidence, and reasoning. (Given the length of these, this can also be projected as the student states it.)
      • Students take turns stating whether they agree or disagree with the proposed claim, evidence, and reasoning and, most importantly, stating the reasons for their thinking. They may use their own claim, evidence, and reasoning statements to add to the discussion.
      • Students do not need to raise their hands, but they should not interrupt.
    3. Students who are in the outer circle are observers. Give each observer a copy of 8.5.H2: Observation Checklist.
      • Each student in the outer circle is assigned to a student in the inner circle for whom they will record data by completing 8.5.H2: Observation Checklist as a way to give feedback on their designated participant’s performance.
        • How often did the student participate?
        • Did the individual participate voluntarily, or did he/she need to be prompted?
        • What was the strength of the claim as supported by evidence? (strong/solid/moderate/weak)
        • How effectively did this student incorporate Pattern or Cause and Effect? (strong/solid/moderate/weak)
        • Choose the word that best describes the individual’s ability to build on ideas (strong/solid/moderate/weak)
    4. After about 10 to 15 minutes, have students switch roles.
    5. After both groups have participated, allow students time to reflect in their Science Notebook:
      • What went well? Why?
      • What could be improved? Why?
      • What did they agree with? Why?
      • What did they disagree with? Why?
      • What evidence was presented that made them question their claim?
  5. *Note: Science Seminar from NGSS Rollout #3. CA NGSS Collaborative, 2016. Adapted with permission

  6. As groups finish, ask them to revisit 8.1.H3: My Shark Encounter Claim Chart, from Lessons 8.1–8.4 and add any new information that could be used to support any of the claims and subsequent evidence and reasoning.
  7. As a possible follow-up, ask students to support or refute the following argument to be used as a summative assessment:
    1. Claim: “Sharks are not able to detect REMUS.” Prompt: Support or refute this claim by providing an explanation supported by evidence and reasoning using cause and effect as a central frame.
    2. See 8.5.R1: Rubric for Written Scientific Argument for scoring guidance.


When showing a short video, it’s often helpful to students to watch the video once to get a sense of the purpose. Showing the video a second (and sometimes third) time allows students to focus on important details that can be recorded in their Science Notebook and discussed.

To accommodate students who need help with reading tasks, ask the class to skim the article first, and identify any words that might need clarification. Clarify the directions, then ask students to do a group read (have one person in the group read the article out loud), but encourage students to withhold group discussions until everyone has had a chance to do their own thinking and make notes in their Science Notebook first, then discuss with their group, and revise Science Notebook work accordingly.

During literature circles, plan extra accommodations for those who need literacy support. These students can be paired with a peer for the initial attempt at the reading. When expert groups decide on their three pieces of information, encourage the class to allow those that are quiet to speak first. Have the expert group verify that all have information recorded in their Science Notebook before rejoining their home groups.

By seating students in groups (groups of 4 work well) and encouraging regular conversation, students have time to interact more with content and naturally help those that need more support. Use of 8.1.H2: Scientist Communication Survival Kit helps to make sure that students who don’t feel comfortable sharing (often because of language, literacy level, uncertainty of content knowledge, etc.) are prompted to do so in a supportive way.

Use of a sense-making Science Notebook supports student language development, conceptual development, and metacognition. Students should be prompted to use their Science Notebook for

  • prior knowledge of phenomena,
  • exploration of phenomena and data collection,
  • making sense of phenomena, and
  • metacognition.

By writing about topics in their Science Notebook BEFORE discussing, second language learners and low language students can gain confidence and organize their thoughts before speaking in front of a group. Also, sharing ideas in a small group throughout the rest of the lesson lowers the affective filter of low language students. Having students work in teacher-selected partnerships or groups allows you to match students in a way that both are being supported. Advanced students have the opportunity to explore additional questions that arise.

Consider providing sentence frames for low literacy and second language learners. The use of graphic organizers can help struggling students manage Science Notebook work.

As this lesson is rich with discourse opportunities, consider pairing second language learners with a “language broker” (another student who is bilingual in English and the student’s home language) to allow these partners to first discuss ideas in their home language. Monitor this paring and provide additional language support as needed.

For students new to a socratic seminar and in need of speaking support, review the discussion norms and questions from “Socratic Seminars in Science Class” (Chowning, 2009). Consider including additional talk moves (for ideas, see Talk Science Primer, Michaels and O’Connor, 2012). As students begin to share ideas, use specific prompts such as, “Can you say more about that,” “What do you mean by that,” and “Can you give an example.” Asking another student in the seminar to repeat what the speaker said, or to add on to what the speaker said is also helpful. Once students understand the structure of the seminar, these prompts should come less from you and more from the students participating in the seminar.


Boise State College of Engineering. (2011). How to Make a Simple DC Motor. Retrieved March 4, 2020, from http://coen.boisestate.edu/k-12/files/2011/06/How-to-Make-a-Simple-DC-Motor.pdf

Chowning, Jeanne Ting. (2009). Socratic Seminars in Science Class. The Science Teacher, 76(7), 36-41. Retrieved from https://learningcenter.nsta.org/resource/?id=10.2505/4/tst09_076_07_36

Conover, Emily. (2106, June 30). Snout goo may help sharks sense prey. Retrieved from https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/snout-goo-may-help-sharks-sense-prey

Daniel, Ari. (2012, April 4). Scientists Repel Sharks – to Save Them. Retrieved from https://www.pri.org/stories/2012-04-04/scientists-repel-sharks-save-them

Hopkins, Carl D. (2010, March 12). A Biological Function for Electroreception in Sharks and Rays. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(7), 1005–1007. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.034439

KQED (2016, August 11). How Do Sharks and Rays Use Electricity to Find Hidden Prey? | Deep Look. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDPFR6n8tAQ

MacIver, Malcolm. (2009, July 31). A Shark’s Sixth Sense. Retrieved from https://helix.northwestern.edu/article/sharks-sixth-sense

Michaels, Sarah & O’Connor, Cathy. (2012). Talk Science Primer. TERC. Retrieved from https://inquiryproject.terc.edu/shared/pd/TalkScience_Primer.pdf

Carl D. Hopkins discusses Adrianus J. Kalmijn’s 1971 paper entitled ‘The electric sense of sharks and rays’. A copy of the paper can be obtained from http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/content/abstract/55/2/371

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2016). Oceanographic Systems Laboratory Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, REMUS: Shark Cam, Retrieved from http://www.whoi.edu/osl/sharkcam


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